Combine patchwork with cross-stitch for a touch of crafty home style
What you need...
- Fabric: linen, white; cotton, white, printed
Embroidery cotton, assorted colours
Needle, tapestry, size 26
Polyester fibre filling
Begin by cross-stitching the motifs; to do this, fold a linen square, 8cm plus seam allowance, in half to find the centre, then sew the pattern from the middle point in the chart. Stitch over two threads of linen using two strands of cotton.When the motif is finished, press carefully, then repeat for all four
cross-stitch motifs. -
For the cushion pad, sew around two squares of cotton, 23cm plus seam allowance, leaving a small gap for turning. Trim the seams, then turn to the right side and press. Stuff with polyester fibre filling and sew up the gap.
Create the patchwork front by joining the cross-stitched squares alternately with printed cotton ones, 8cm square plus seam allowance, to form a nine patch grid. Press the design carefully, making sure the seams lie flat and neatly on the back.
Take the backing fabric and, with right sides together, sew round the sides and the bottom of the cushion, leaving a gap at the top. Trim the seams, then turn the cushion to the right side and press. Place the cushion pad inside the cover and slip stitch it closed at the top.
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