Festive folk art easily captures the magic of bygone family luncheons.
What you need...
- Felt: red, white
Cotton fabric: red, grey, white
Co-ordinating thread
Embroidery thread, navy
Christmas ribbon, mixed
Pompom trim, white
Fusible interfacing
Buttons, four
Dala Mat - 1 Cut two red rectangles, 23cm x 33cm, one each in felt and cotton. Using the templates, trace horses onto interfacing and iron onto the back of white and grey fabric, then cut out. Peel off the backing and fuse to the red fabric, then sew in place using straight stitch.
2 Make running stitches on the horse and saddle using navy embroidery thread. Trim a few ribbon lengths and sew along each side of the main motif. Place the red fabric face down on the felt
and sew every side, leaving a gap of 10cm on one edge. Turn out, press and topstitch all four sides. -
Folk Runner - 1 Fold two red fabric rectangles, 23cm x 110cm, in half lengthways. Measure 5cm from the bottom on the raw edge and mark. Draw a line from the fold to this mark to create an arrow shape. Cut, then repeat for the opposite end.
2 Trace two lace hearts onto interfacing, iron onto white fabric and cut out. Peel off the backing and iron one to each end of one runner. Sew using straight stitch and white thread. Join each scalloped point together with a simple heart shape line in contrasting thread.
3 Make running stitches around the centre shapes in navy. Pin gingham ribbon across each long side and sew. With red fabric right sides together, place pompom trim on each arrow edge and pin. Sew every side, catching the trim in the seam and leaving a 10cm gap. Turn out, press and topstitch. -
Napkin Rings - 1 Prepare two red felt rectangles, 8cm x 22cm. Using the template, cut out two white felt trees. Use blanket stitch to attach a tree to the centre of each rectangle in navy embroidery thread.
2 Make two buttonholes on one end of each rectangle, then sew two buttons to the opposite ends. Thread the buttons through the holes and secure to create the finished rings.
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