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Stitch this sweet, embroidered bag - it's great for holding knick-knacks on your dressing table!

What you need...
  • Thread, DMC, stranded cotton (164); color variations (4020); Desire Memory (6070, 6110)
    Fabric, cotton, patterned
    Ribbon, turquoise, green
  1. Cut cotton patterned fabric, 30cm x 40cm, and a circle, 14cm in diameter. With right sides together, sew the short ends to form a tube, leaving a 1.5cm allowance. Stitch one end of the tube to the round piece, then clip and press.

  2. Turn under 8cm all around the top edge and press. Stitch through both layers, 5.5cm in, then 7.5cm further down to form a channel. Cut a small hole in the centre front and thread through a 70cm length of turquoise ribbon.

  3. Tie a 50cm length of green ribbon to the centre front, draw up the turquoise piece and fasten in bows. Using Desire Thread 6110, make a star. Couch the shape to the front right-hand side.

  4. Using the 6070 memory thread, follow the star template to create a length of loops to fit around the top edge. Place in position and couch onto the fabric with two strands of shade 4020, sewing over the loops only.

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