Crafts Beautiful Magazine

Cosy up with this chic cross stitched cushion courtesy of Helen Philipps.

What you need...
  • Fabric, even-weave, 28- count, pale pink; printed, pale green, pale pink; floral, pink
    Cotton, DMC, as in the key
    Needle, tapestry, size 26
    Card, white, light green
    Pape: spotty, green; chequered, green
    Flower, fabric, pink
    Button, white
    Ribbon, self-adhesive, spotted, white, pink
    Interfacing, iron-on, Bondaweb
    Cushion pad, 23cm x 24cm
    Pen, fine, black
  1. Cushion - 1 Fold the fabric in half and in half again to find the centre and begin stitching here following the chart. Use two strands of cotton and stitch over two threads of fabric. When complete, press the work carefully. Iron Bondaweb to the back of pink and green fabrics according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

    2 Draw a flower shape onto the pink fabric and a leaf onto the green. You can make the same number as in our photograph, or as many as you like. Position the flowers and leaves on the front of the cushion, and when you are happy with the arrangement, peel off the backing and iron them in place.

    3 Work around the outside of each using blanket stitch and one strand of matching cotton. When complete, sew on the white buttons in the flower centres using white cotton. Finally sew on the white flower buttons using green thread.

    4 Place the backing fabric and the embroidered and appliquéd cushion front right sides together. Sew around three sides, leaving the fourth open. Trim the seams and clip the corners. Turn the right way out and press carefully, avoiding all buttons. Place the cushion pad inside the cover and stitch close. flower tag

  2. Flower tag - 1 Cut a tag from white card, 5.5cm x 11.5cm. Cover with green spotty paper and punch a hole in the top centre. Make two leaves from green chequered paper. Take a small piece of light green card, 5.5cm square, and attach the paper leaves overlapping each other, with the right-hand leaf extending past the edge of the card.

    2 Take the pink fabric flower and sew a white button in its centre, then glue to the green card on top of the leaves. With a fine black pen, draw lines to resemble quilting stitches. Attach a green card embellishment to the front, 2.5cm up from the bottom, using sticky pads.

    3 Fix a piece of pink and white spotty adhesive ribbon above and below the card. Add a word embellishment to the top at an angle, as shown in the picture,using 3-D foam pads. Finally, thread a piece of lilac wire through the hole in the tag and tie up.

Even-weave fabric, Sew and So, 01453 889988,
Printed cottons, Fabric Rehab,
Assorted haberdashery items, HobbyCraft, 0845 051 6599,

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